QUIBIM presenta su plataforma QUIBIM PRECISION
We are in the era of Precision Medicine, and so is Radiology. Nowadays, main imaging modalities like X-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR), positron emission tomography (PET) and hybrid machines, among others, have become measurement instruments. Images are not only pictures anymore, but thanks to the application of computational analysis and artificial intelligence, they are data, as you can learn in this excellent manuscript in Radiology.
Nowadays, when radiologists perform measurements of different organs, tissues and lesion properties using a workstation, they are used to get a number (i.e. lesion volume or perfusion). If they take the same images and they get to analyze them in a workstation from another vendor (not straightforward), it is pretty sure that they will obtain different results. This issue has introduced a sense of lack of standardization and homogenization in the quantitative medical imaging field.
I like to say that value is to trust in the product, and we have decided to be the first company in the world to open the validation process and tests results of our imaging biomarkers. Every time we buy a measurement device for daily life purposes (i.e. thermometer) we know the degree of uncertainty, why wouldn’t we do the same in AI algorithms and quantitative imaging?
We are proud to make this announcement at ECR 2018: Now it is possible to see the precision, accuracy and clinical evaluation results of our imaging biomarkers. We provide the precision (through Coefficient of Variation, CoV) and accuracy (through relative error, e) values through the publication of QUIBIM Technical Datasheets that you can find in the resources section of our webpage.
With this strategy QUIBIM is going a step further by being the first multi-vendor, web-based and real precision Medicine company of the medical imaging & AI market.